The Pain Games Wiki


                                                -Boo! I'm the ghost under your bed!


District 1[]

Prose:Welcome to the annual tribute rating. Tonight, we have...

Maple:Maple Tree.

Prose:What a lovely name! First up, we have the amazing district one with their luxurious items. Let's talk about...Matthew Alexander.

Maple: Avrage careers. No brains, too much muscle.

Prose: How about... Danica Ponce?

Maple: That f***** girl has the name of one of my friends. I hate her face.

Prose: Ouch. Sorry Danica Ponce. Now, Callam Rhodes.

Maple: Same as Matthew. No brains, too much brawn.

Prose: Umm... Now we have Willow...

Maple: No last name. She aggravates me too.

District 2[]

Prose: *whispers* Let's hope district 2 will be better. *fake coughts* How about... Troy Ventura...

Maple: He's my Boyfriend. I love him...

Prose: Now Saffron Ventura...

Maple: She's awesome! Like if there was an awesome button, I would press it.

Prose: * President brings a huge medecine kit* So now... Draco Addams...

Maple: Hate him, Period.

Prose: Thalia-

Maple: Combe? Too famous for her own good. Seriously.

District 3[]

Prose: District 3... Corey Hicks!

Maple: Ewwwwwwwwwland. He's too gross. Have you seen his hair? Ugh.

Prose: 'bout Callie Casey?

Maple: The cool SO doesn't work on you. She's creepy.

Prose: Aww. Now, Jak Garmon...

Maple: See above.

Prose: Now, Carmen Databyte.


District 4[]

Prose: Sure. Lets go with that. Now, District fish.

Maple: Stop with the slang already.

Prose: Now, Jordan Trident...

Maple: He looks like a mutt.

Prose: Fleur Splith?

Maple: Flower Spit? Gross.

Prose: Oath?

Maple: Is he some kind of prey?

Prose: K. Now, how about Ciaria Ella?

Maple: See above.

District 5[]

Prose: District 5-mazing!


Prose: Yo Marek Ghoulden....

Maple: *slaps Proses face a couple times before replying* He's awesome.

Prose: Owww... Now Petra Liit...

Maple: Ummmm... Groosss...

Prose: Now Siimon Liit...*covers face with hockeymask*

Maple: Ugly, check. Uncool, check. Super dumb, check.

Prose: *headdesk* Only 30-something to go... Mari Wesspark...

Maple: Nice, pretty. Ok.

District 6[]

Prose: Now, sixamazing! Varin Ego!

Maple: Too much EGO!

Prose: Pluchra Ego...

Maple:*yawns* She's pretty nice.

Prose: Now Tamora Summers...

Maple: A blonde boycandy. Not smart, just stupid.

Prose: Jonathon Ford

Maple: A bitch. He threw apples at me.

District 7[]

Prose: Seevennnnnnnnnnn....Atlas Dunnin

Maple: That fuckin little girl? Sucks.

Prose: Demi Trusker...

Maple: Pretty coool for a sissy-girly girl like her.

Prose: Pamline Falcone....

Maple: Sucks. That's S to the U to the CKS.

District 8[]

Prose: Uh.. District 8? John Dave...

Maple: Pretty weak, but I hold nothing against him.

Prose: Luna Snare?

Maple: Again, too famous for her own good, but pretty nice.

Prose: Sebasian Klein?

Maple: Too gay...

Prose: Irene Joy?

Maple: Pretty nice, yet way to shy.

Distict 9[]

Prose: District 9 is grainy... Marcus Roberts

Maple: a bit too blah for me...

Prose: Allie Whittle...

Maple: Nice and ubercool. Too bad she died...

Prose: Gunner Pann

Maple: Okayish... Not as awesome as Allie, though...

Prose: Holly Horizon...

Maple: Pretty, yet too dainty...

District 10[]

Prose: 10 district... Talon Rosedain

Maple: Pretty cool. He is kind, and the boyfriend of one of my friends.

Prose: Mariette Staford...

Maple: Really kind and awesome as a person...

Prose: Ritcher Moses...

Maple: Didn't know him at all...

Prose: Filivena Staford?

Maple: Kind and cool.

District 11[]

Prose: 11 oseven... Lauren Hill

Maple: A bit too plain for me.

Prose: Cody Birch?

Maple: Too um, exited...

Prose: Emma Lien

Maple: Reminds me of Stinkweed too much...

Prose: Kenton Hellverdeen

Maple: Reminds me of Kenton Hell V Erdeen... Not something fun...

District 12[]

Prose: Miner district 12... Harry Macharly

Maple: Too stiff, I guess...

Prose: Candice Bolt...

Maple: Quite rude...

Prose: Lucas Bolt

Maple: Very brave. He loved me even tough I like someone else. He sacrificed himself for me and Candice...

Prose: Mackenzie Sheddar

Maple: Don't know her.

Special Tributes[]

Prose: Now, the special Tributes!

Maple: *nods*

Prose: Ford Dryden

Maple: Well, in these games, he sorta killed my boyfriends sisters Boyfriend, so I am not his #1 fan...

Prose: Cirena Satford

Maple: She's the older sister of Mariette, one of my friends so... Yeah.

Prose: Exel Rose?

Maple: Gross. He is horrible! I won't continue, though.

Prose: Danica Rosedain.

Maple: An amazing person, full of happiness -

Prose:- Were all out of time. Join me again next year with a tribute.

Maple's interview[]

Blair Sheann is interviewing.

Blair: Hi Maple!

Maple: Hi Blair!

Blair: Is it true that Troy loves you and you love him back?

Maple: Of course!

Blair: *Smiles, showing fangs* Oh, how lovely! @ Audiance: Hey ladies, here that? Troy is taken!

  • groans from audiance*

Blair: But is it true that Lucas Bolt loves you, but you don't love him back?

Maple: Yes.

Blair: That's all we have time for, Maple!

Maple: See ya!

Maple's Chariot costume rating[]

The district are in order, best to worst.

This is from the POV of Valentine Heart, a Capitol citizen.

1:Represents district amazingly.

2: Looked amazing and represented district well.

7: Looked good and represented district pretty well.

6: Was pretty and well-made, represented district okayishly.

8: Was quite nice and wellishly made, represented district okayishly.

5: Was amazing for a victor, not stylist.

12: Was unoriginal and sorta scary.

3: A bit boring, yet doable.

4: Very old-fashioned and creepy.

9: Very pretty, but not what I had in mind.

10: Too bloody

11: More suitable for district 9.
